We packed up on the Super Glide and stopped at the bank to get some cash. My bike doesn't run very good at an idle. This due to the high lift cam and other speed work that has been done. While we were in the ATM lane I was getting our money, receipt and card to put back in my wallet. My hands were full and the engine was starting to run rough and getting ready to die. Just as this was happening Wesley reached over and twisted the throttle to keep it running. The then turned around to see my reaction (little ones do this to see if they are in trouble). I told him he did good.
It almost brought a little tear to my eye! I think he is catching on to being a motorcycle bum.
Here are some photos of the Brookelyn's Bombshell girls washing our bike. The girl in the blue green bikini went to high school with me. Yeah if you do the math that makes her almost 40. She still looks good! Must be all her clean living. Can't say so much for myself...